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Castlemartyr Golf

Castlemartyr Resort: Golf Resort of the Year 2014

Castlemartyr Resort in East Cork has been named Golf Resort of the Year 2014 at the Irish Golf Awards at a prestigious event hosted in Knockranny House Hotel, Westport, Co. Mayo. Bringing together a 17th century classic manor house and a luxurious contemporary wing, with gorgeous grounds featuring a tranquil swan lake, a challenging golf course, the dramatic ruins of […]

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Cork durante el día

24 Hours to Explore Cork City…

Lucky for us we have the good fortune of spending quality time in Cork City. We are well aware however that many visitors only have a couple of days to discover Ireland, so may only have a day to explore the Rebel County (as we know!… it’s a long story). We decided to take a look at our lovely ‘City […]

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600 Archaeological Sites

The Beara Peninsula has a profusion of archaeological sites, over 600 identified so far, ranging from wedge graves, stone circles, ring forts and  ancient church sites to the tallest ogham stone in the world (17 ½ feet / 5.3m) situated at Ballycrovane, Eyeries. West Cork itself is said to  have the greatest concentartion of bronze age sites in Europe. In fact the […]

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Whale Watching in Cork

Whale & Dolphin Watching

The Irish government declared the coastal waters of Ireland a whale and dolphin sanctuary during the early 1990’s. The first of its kind in Europe. Since then it is one of the ‘must do’s when visiting the south-west of Ireland. Our coastal waters are a summer feeding ground for a number of whale species and a year round home for […]

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Blarney and Cobh Day Tour

Visit Cobh

Cobh is a magical seaside town in the south-east of County Cork with a special place in Ireland’s history. Its magnificent harbour is one of the most visually enticing anywhere in the world, with wonderful panoramic views. Cobh is steeped in history, art and culture, making it one of the top destinations to visit in Ireland. Under its former name of […]

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